It’s time for another news update from the Eventicious development team! We have added another brick to our event app builder, which should be especially appreciated by organizers of training courses, HR professionals, and marketers. And we have improved our online event solution to make it more convenient and secure.

3 types of tests

The biggest news is about our “tests” module. Organizers can now add to the app questions with pre-canned correct answers.

There are many ways to use this functionality. The first and most obvious one is for training. In that case, when a participant completes the survey, in the end they will see how many questions they answered correctly and how many points they scored, and organizers will know which answers were correct, and where improvement is needed.

Another way to use tests is to provide entertainment or serve native ads. In this case, attendees will see the correct answer as soon as they have responded to each question. For example, it can be a fun test to entertain the audience, or you can integrate information about products and services offered by partners into the test.

Still another way to use new functionality is to offer tests with answers that cannot be right or wrong, but each answer has its own “value” in points. In the end, the points are summed up, and attendees see their results. Such tests can be used for assessment, psychological evaluation, etc.

Improved live stream functionality

Event.Rocks, our virtual online event venue, is now much easier to set up and more secure to use. We have simplified the virtual venue’s branding settings. Now it will take you just a couple of clicks in the administrator section to create an eye-catching background in your disign for your live stream screen, or branded media screens to display results of polls and surveys.

The second change is about security. We updated the video player in the web version to make it impossible to copy links to YouTube broadcasts.
